AACRAO Technology and Transfer Virtual Summit
Tuesday, July 09, 2024, 8:00 AM to Thursday, July 11, 2024, 5:00 PM EST
Category: AACRAO Meeting
AACRAO Technology & Transfer Virtual Summit July 9-11, 2024
The Technology & Transfer Summit offers professional development to individuals in higher education looking to expand their depth of knowledge and awareness about emerging trends in technology, transfer, or both. Given the continual integration of technology with the academic process, this summit will provide a professional learning experience that can be tailored to current positions or the evolution of future roles.
Annually, more than 500 higher education professionals attend the AACRAO Technology & Transfer Summit to explore how technology integrates into campus operations, and how strategic planning can foster innovative approaches to employing transfer credit and policies to facilitate academic mobility and improve student success. Join your colleagues for collaboration, sharing of best practices and ideas, networking, and more.
Contact: https://www.aacrao.org/events-training/meetings/technology-transfer-conference/registration-information